Food Can Raise Your Vibration
August 2021
Wait, what? Food can raise our vibration on top of increasing our energy? Absolutely! If you've taken a look at my post where I talk about humans having energy vibrations, just like the earth has a vibration, you can begin to understand that our own personal energy is something to protect and keep healthy. Food is something that we all can use as a tool as we try to raise our vibrations!
Why do we want to raise our vibrations?
Scientist have concluded that when two or more items (including humans) are close to each other they begin to sync their vibrations. I think we all would like those around us to be at an optimal vibration so we can sync to the optimal 5-10 Hz that the human body vibrates at. Lets make the collective vibrate perfectly and beautifully! On top of being kind to fellow man, we should see the importance of a healthy high vibration and what that means for our mental and physical health.
Where should you begin?
Think about the source of your food. Does it come straight out of the ground or has it been manipulated and made into something other than what it originally was?
Is there an ingredient list on the side of a container, that your food came from, to describe what you are about to put into your mouth?
If you answered yes to #2, then does that ingredient list have words you can say or are they filled with ingredients like Butylated Hydroxyanisole? If you can say the ingredient Butylated Hydroxyanisole, do you know what it is and how your body reacts to it?
Each item that we consume has the potential to lower our vibration and make us sick. The number one things we all need to make sure of is we keep inflammation down in our body. That truly is the source to all things that can harm the human body. Inflammation and poor vibration go hand in hand. In a nutshell, if your energy/vibration is off, then your immune system will be off and then your body will not be able to protect itself from nasty bad bacteria (yes there is good bacteria) and viruses that are floating around. So this post is about those foods that are both good for you and keep you at your very best.
Foods you should consume
A plant based diet is the best for a keeping yourself healthy and raising your energy. Am I saying you should be a 100% plant based? No, I respect those that find pleasure from consuming animal protein. I'm one of those individuals that consumes chicken, beef and fish from time to time so I do respect the importance to many needing that to be part of their diet. That being said, I recommend that it be part, not all. It's important to find balance in everything you do. Something else to consider when thinking about the food you eat is what it's impacts are on our environment. When we begin to impact the earth, we impact it's energy and in turn our own. So pleased keep that in mind when making your food choices.
My top choices for high vibration foods:
Organic is the best but if you can't get organic, then non organic is better than nothing.
Vegetables - fresh green leafy vegetables are the best.
Lettuce, Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard, Collard Greens, Broccoli, Cauliflower etc.
Fresh fruits - fresh berries are the best.
Strawberries, Blueberries, Apples, Plums, Peaches, Grapes, Pineapple, Bananas etc.
Beans and legumes
Black, Kidney, Lentils, Pinto, Peanut, Chickpeas, Black-Eyed, Cannellini, Lima, Fava etc.
As a side note: I recommend that your veggies and fruits be raw as much as possible! This ensure you are eating the most amount of vitamins and minerals possible.
So in the end, it's up to you and how you want to live your life. But if you want to live a long, happy and healthy life, then consider what kinds of foods you eat to sustain your life. It's amazing what kinds of foods that are available in supermarkets. On top of that, you should take a look at local farmers markets and what you might be able to grow in your yard or even in a pot on your front stoop.
I'm sending you all Peace, Love and Light! Be well.
Scientific America - The Hippies Were Right, it's all About Vibrations Man!
Medical Medium - Anthony Williams
Heal - Inspirational documentary that takes you on a scientific and spiritual journey
Forks over Knives - The plant based way to health
Small Changes, Big Shifts - Food Just Doesn't Give you Energy, It Has Energy.
Earth Sky - Could consciousness come down to the way things vibrate?
Verywellmind - Understanding the collective unconscious